
Main parts of the application


SMS Reader

  • Reads SMS from the modem and write to the database

SMS Processor

  • Process received SMS;
  • check banned words
  • locate synonyms
  • Tag the SMS using English POS (part of speech ) Tagger
  • create poetry
  • write back to database


  • Processing based application that displays or Interpret data

Backend Application

Provide management capabilities

  • PHP website to add poetry to the system
  • Tool to extract web based poetry data to the system
  • Tool to calculate IDF of the database
  • Tool to add emotional weights/ prefix to the system
  • Tool to recalculate emotional weights of database
  • Manage poetry in the system

How it is going to work


Fig 1. Overview

In previous system everything was put together and you need to know how everything works before working with BlogWall. In the new application all major parts are separated into different applications that run separately. This make it easy to work with the system.

E.g. – the artist doesn’t have to know how SMS work or how to generate poetry. He is presented with all the data. All he needs to know is how to display it.

Data is passed from one application to the other via database. Each application has different level of complexity separating them make each of the cleaner.


System consists of MySQL (5.0) database. This database structure may change depending on the requirements.


Fig 2. Database

Project Plan

The sections marked with a tick are completed modules


Fig 3. Project plan

Presentation Slides

BlogWall at Kent Ridge MRT Station: Presentation by Janaka Prasad on 09/06/2008
BlogWall at Kent Ridge MRT Station: Presentation by Janaka Prasad on 03/07/2008
BlogWall at Kent Ridge MRT Station: Presentation by Janaka Prasad on 11/07/2008

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